Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Magic that is John Mayer :)

(Written 5.08pm on 14/12/04)

I wonder what do guitar players hear when they play...?

I am listening to Disc 1 of "As/Is", John Mayer's new concert album that I justbought this afternoon, and this particular song that I am listening to is a bluesy-rocksong called "Come Back To Bed", a nice laidback song about a guy (John) who is askingfor his girl to cool down and "Come Back My Bed" after a lover's quarrel...Very sexy ;)

And in this concert version its extremely extended with an amazing bluesy guitar solo (all 11+ minutes of it:P),and I realize what a great guitar player John Mayer is, simply because he plays guitar that makes me feel as ifits speaking to me, and I can totally feel the emotions behind it:P...

I know it sounds corny, but this guitar solo is really making me smile...It's so quirkyly cuteand amazing at the same time...

John says to the audience :"YOu know what she says to me?", and he starts playing this long, high, kinda whinyguitar solo, and I can suddenly so imagine the girl saying things like :"YOu never listen! You always do that etc etc..."

And then JOhn says to the audience...something along the lines of:"...I knew she was right...I always do that...always full of s***...so I go to her and say", and then he starts playing another guitar solo, a deep, more sombre one, and you can justimagine him all droopy-eyed and saying :"Baby I'm sorry, you're right, I shouldn't have done that..."

Amazing...maybe it's just me, but I honestly can see the picture that he is trying to paint with his guitar :)...And only John Mayer does that to me so far...for someone who is so clever with words, at that moment John doesn't needwords to convey the feelings of "Come Back To Bed", just his music :)...

The only other time I felt as if a music has 'spoken' in that way, was when I heard an old old song by Louis Armstrong, and the way he played the trumpet...it was a voice of its own :)...

So i wonder...if I could hear the emotions and feelings in that solo, what do guitar players hear when they play?What are the words spoken? What are the expressions on their faces when they say it...?

I remember reading before in the novel "Midnight in The Garden of Good & Evil", a quote on musicians...I can't really recall it, but it went somewhere along the lines of..."Musicians are gifted people...touchedon the shoulder by angels from heaven...so that they may touch other people too.." or something like that..

I remember reading that line and thinking of Hanson, and now I think of that line while listening to John Mayer now...Just but a few minutes of his music today, and he is able to put a smile on my face, and I don't even know him nor him me...How much profoundly can you touch a person's life than that? :


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