Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bas Jahat Di Miri

It was bound to happen sooner or later (at least that's what every driver told me before).

I got involved in a minor accident.

My Kancil's dented but none the worse for wear, and I'm fine too, just a bit shaken and "za dao" as the accident did not happen through any fault of mine.

Basically what happened was this, I wanted to turn right, already put on my signal, and was just inching the front of my Kancil to the right when suddenly a big huge bus "brushed" past me (on the right side of my car!!!) to overtake and get in front of me in his rush to go on the straight road =o/

Thank goodness my Kancil was on a 1st gear, turtle's pace and I just hit the brakes immediately, if not the bus would have rammed into me instead of just denting the front part of my Kancil. I was so freaked out that I drove straight home without stopping to confront the bus driver or take down his plate number or do whatever it is you're supposed to do after being nearly hit by a vehicle twice as big as yours.


But I DID TURN ON MY SIGNAL LIGHT G******N it!!!! You blind bus driver you!!!


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