Monday, March 21, 2005

Of soul searching and such...

I think final year students, especially those in their final semester, should be exempted from
their finals and exams. Why? Because I just feel it is such an unromantic way to end your university life, isnt
it? YOu're feeling nostalgic and reminiscing about all your years here and how much you have grown,
and you're not even given the privilege of the time to do so because you need to focus on your finals...and you can't spend your precious last few days with each other either because everyone is busy preparing for finals :P MAybe it's just me, but as my very
last final paper in university looms this coming Thursday,I find myself going through these few days thinking,"Is that it?
Isn't there anything more?" I mean there MUST be something more impactful,a more meaningful ending to do justice to the last four
years which have been some of the most enriching years of my life?

Graduation doesnt count because that is a few months down the line, and by then everyone has more or less started a new phase in
thier life (I hope I have:P)...but what about now? Is it just a matter of finishing your finals, packing all your stuff and going back home?

SIgh...I suppose I am just looking for a more approriate closure, and in so doing, maybe find answers to the questions that
you're inevitably left with when you end something and start something anew...

"Closing time, every other beginning is some other beginning's end..."
- 'Closing Time", Semisonic


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