Tagged =)
I've been tagged by Jillyn =) Fair enough, after all it gives me a reason to blog in these uninspired months =p
The rules of the tag are as follows:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
Okie. So here goes, 8 random (but quite long-ly elaborated=) facts about me :)
1) I have never gotten around to learning how to actually add links to one's blog=p Hence, apart from listing 8 random facts about myself, I will break all the other rules of this tag =p
2) I'm a bookaholic! Other girls may not be able to resist getting shoes/clothes/ bags/ make up etc, but for me its BOOKS! =) I can never resist a "3 For 2", "20% off for Members" or "20%-25% off with purchase of any other product in the same receipt" offer from any of the major bookstores ;) Kinokuniya will always be a stop for me whenever I go to KL for work, and with it being in the same building as the HQ....well, that just makes it all the more accesible doesnt it?;)
3) One of the coolest moments during my induction programme a few months ago was when I found a fellow John Mayer fan! =) Our conversation went something like this :
Him : So what kind of music do you listen to?
Me : All sorts, whatever's playing on the radio...
Him : Any favourite bands, singers ke...
Me : John Mayer
* For a brief second he's surprised*
Him : Ye? Continuum?! I have the WHOLE album on my phone!
Zeid, you rock! Miss ya dude! =)
4) I am currently working in the Oil and Gas industry and in a few weeks' time, I will mark my 1 year anniversary of working in my job =p
5) I like wearing Baju Kurung =) It hides one's lack of a svelte figure, you'll have no fear of being inapproriately dressed for whatever office functions, and by virtue of you being a Non-Malay, you'll always get extra compliments like "Jess cantik-lah pakai baju kurung....."=p
6) I'll be moving to a new house soon.
7) I like dark chocolate better than milk chocolate.
8) I wish they still had those wasabi flavoured potato chips available in the market=p
tagged. check out post #240 on my blog.
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